Who we are

ESF is led by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. Currently, the goal is for 12 individuals to sit on the board. Some directors are scholars at universities in Canada and the U.S. All share a deep interest in issues concerning world language problems, language policy and planning, interlinguistics, Esperanto, linguistic technologies, global education, and related issue. Director profiles, including contact information, can be found in this section.

The full board meets quarterly via teleconference to review ongoing programs, new initiatives and to oversee operations. The ESF board also meets for an annual strategic planning session at least once a year. An Operations Committee, comprised of a core group of Board members and the Foundation's Executive Director, meets monthly to review the business affairs of the organization. The Operations Committee also reviews all submitted proposals.

ESF Board of Directors

Grant Goodall
President | Prezidanto

Professor of Linguistics and Director of the Linguistics Language Program at the University of California, San Diego (U.S.) | Profesoro pri lingvistiko kaj direktoro de la universitata lingvoprogramo en University of California, San Diego (Usono).

EmailMore about Goodall
Andy Blair
Vice President / Vicprezidanto

Andy Blair is an entrepreneur and community choreographer. / Andy Blair estas entreprenisto kaj komunuma koreografo. 

Derek Roff
Secretary | Sekretario
Retired director of Language Learning Center of University of New Mexico (U.S.) | Emerita direktoro de Lingvo-Lerna Centro de la Universitato de Nova Meksiko (Usono)
EmailMore about Derek Roff
Hans Becklin
Treasurer | Kasisto

Pastor | Pastro

More about Hans Becklin
Paige Feldmann
Director / Estrarano

Lawyer in private practice/ Advokato en privata praktiko

Jeremy Genovese
Director / Estrarano
Emeritus associate professor of human development and educational psychology at Cleveland State University | Emerita asocia profesoro de homa evoluiĝo kaj eduka psikologio ĉe Cleveland State University. .
More about Jeremy Genovese
Francis Hult
Director / Estrarano

Professor in the Department of Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (U.S) / Profesoro en la fako de edukado en la Universitato de Marilando, Baltimora Kantono (Usono)

Marcia Rego
Director / Estrarano

Doctor Rego teaches anthropology and academic writing at Duke University. / Doktoro Rego instruas antropologion kaj akademian skribadon en la Universitato Duke.

Myrtis Smith
Director / Estrarano

Myrtis Smith is a STEM educator and author. / Myrtis Smith estas scienca kaj teknika edukisto kaj verkisto.

Brandon Sowers
Director / Estrarano
Brandon Sowers works full-time as a Salesforce administrator. / Brandon Sowers laboras kiel adminstranto de Salesforce.

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