Marcia Rego, Director / Estrarano
Profile: Dr. Rego is a Cultural Anthropologist who teaches anthropology-themed, writing-intensive courses at Duke University. She is Director of Faculty Development and Assessment at Duke’s Thompson Writing Program.
Areas of Interest: Ethnography of language use, language ideology, ethnographic writing, Lusophone Africa, Cape Verde, Cape Verdean Creole, anthropology of the body.
Profilo: Doktoro Rego estas Kultura Antropologo kiu instruas antropologion kaj academian skribadon en Duke University. Ŝi estas Direktoro de profesia evoluigo kaj taksado ĉe Thompson Writing Program de Duke.
Interesoj: etnografio de lingvouzo, lingva ideologio, etnografia skribado, Luzofona Afriko, Kabo-Verdo, Kabverda Kreolo, antropologio de la korpo.
Selected Publications | Elektitaj Publikaĵoj
Culture Embodied: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (textbook in preparation, SAGE Publishers)
“History of Cabo Verde,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History (under review, Oxford University Press)
“Assessment: What is it Good for? (For Faculty, it turns out…)” Liberal Education, Summer 2018, Vol. 104, No. 3. (Co-authored with Kristen Neuschel)
“Unadvisable” (ethno-poetry), Anthropology and Humanism, June 2018 Vol 43/1
The Dialogic Nation of Cape Verde: Slavery, Language, and Ideology. Lexington Books, 2015
“The Naked Ethnographer” in Anthropology Now, Vol. 3 N. 2. September, 2011:28-34
“Cape Verdean Tongues: Speaking of Nation at Home and Abroad” in Transnational Archipelago: Perspectives on Cape Verdean Migration and Diaspora. Luis Batalha and Jørgen Carling (eds). Amsterdam University Press: 2008
Contact | Kontakto
Thompson Writing Program
Duke University
Box 90215, Durham, NC, USA - 27708
T: (919) 660-7062