Francis Hult, Director / Estrarano

Areas of Interest: Language policy and planning; ecology of languages; linguistic landscapes, multilingual education

Profile: Profile: Francis M. Hult is Professor in the Department of Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Dr. Hult works at the intersection of education, discourse studies, and sociolinguistics.  His research focuses on multilingualism in policy and practice, policy formation and implementation, stakeholder engagement with policy discourses, and visual language use in multilingual communities.  He is editor of the Educational Linguistics book series (Springer) and co-editor of the Contributions to the Sociology of Language book series (De Gruyter).  He sits on the editorial boards of several journals including Language Policy, Language Problems and Language Planning, and Current Issues in Language Planning. A frequent guest researcher in Asia, Europe, and North America, Dr. Hult has been a UNESCO senior visiting scholar and a Charles A. Ferguson Fellow at the Center for Applied Linguistics. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in French linguistics and anthropology and a master’s degree in language education from New York University. He holds a doctorate in educational linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Interesoj: Lingvopolitiko kaj -planado; ekologio de lingvoj; lingvaj pejzaĝoj, multlingva edukado

Profilo: Francis M. Hult estas Profesoro en la fako de edukado en la Universitato de Marilando, Baltimora Kantono (UMBC). D-ro Hult laboras ĉe la intersekciĝo de edukado, diskursstudoj kaj socilingvistiko. Lia esplorado temigas multlingvecon en politiko kaj praktiko, politika formado kaj efektivigo, engaĝiĝo de koncernatoj kun politikaj diskursoj, kaj vida lingvouzo en multlingvaj komunumoj. Li estas redaktisto de la libroserio Educational Linguistics (Springer) kaj kunredaktoro de la libroserio Kontribuoj al la Sociologio de Lingvo (De Gruyter). Li sidas en la redakciaj komisionoj de pluraj revuoj inkluzive de Language Policy (Lingvopolitiko), Language Problems and Language Planning (Lingvoproblemoj kaj Lingvoplanado) kaj Current Issues in Language Planning (Aktualaj Aferoj en Lingvoplanado). Ofta gast-esploristo en Azio, Eŭropo kaj Nordameriko, D-ro Hult estis altranga vizitanta akademiulo de Unesko kaj Charles A. Ferguson-ulo ĉe la Centro por Aplikata Lingvistiko. Li diplomiĝis pri la franca lingvistiko kaj antropologio kaj havas magistran diplomon pri lingva edukado de Universitato de Novjorko.  Li doktoriĝis pri eduka lingvistiko ĉe la Universitato de Pensilvanio.

Selected Recent Publications | Elektitaj Publikaĵoj

Hult, F.M. (forthcoming). Sustainable multilingual education. In L. McEntee-Atalianis & H. Tonkin (Eds.), Language and sustainable development. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Ou, W.A., Gu, M.M., & Hult, F.M. (2021). Discursive ripple effects in language policy and practice: Multilingualism and English as an academic lingua franca in transnational higher education. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 44(2), 154-179.

Ou, W.A., Gu, M.M., & Hult, F.M. (2021). Translanguaging for intercultural communication in international higher education: Transcending English as a lingua franca. International Journal of Multilingualism.

Källkvist, M., & Hult, F.M. (2020). Multilingualism as problem or resource? Negotiating space for languages other than Swedish and English in university language planning. In M. Kuteeva, K. Kaufhold, & N. Hynninen (Eds.), Language perceptions and practices in multilingual universities (pp. 57-84). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Siiner, M., Hult, F.M., & Kupisch, T. (Eds.) (2018). Language policy and language acquisition planning.  Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Hult, F.M. (2018). Foreign language education policy on the horizon. Foreign Language Annals, 51, 35-45.

Hult, F.M. (2018). Language policy and planning and linguistic landscapes. In J.W. Tollefson & M. Pérez-Milans (Eds.), Oxford handbook of language policy and planning (pp. 333-351).  New York: Oxford University Press.

Hult, F.M. (2017). Discursive approaches to policy. In S.E.F. Wortham, D. Kim, & S. May (Eds.), Discourse and education (pp. 111-121).  New York: Springer.

Hult, F.M., & Hornberger, N.H. (2016). Re-visiting orientations to language planning: Problem, right, and resource as an analytical heuristic. Bilingual Review/La revista bilingüe, 33(3), 30-49.

Hult, F.M., & Källkvist, M. (2016). Global flows in local language planning: Articulating parallel language use in Swedish university policies. Current Issues in Language Planning, 17(1), 56-71.

Källkvist, M., & Hult, F.M. (2016). Discursive mechanisms and human agency in language policy formation: Negotiating bilingualism and parallel language use at a Swedish university. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19(1), 1-17.

Hult, F.M., & Johnson, D.C. (Eds.) (2015). Research methods in language policy and planning: A practical guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hult, F.M. (2015). Making policy connections across scales using nexus analysis. In F.M. Hult & D.C Johnson (Eds.), Research methods in language policy and planning: A practical guide (pp. 217-231). Malden, MA: Wiley.

Hult, F.M. (2014). Drive-thru linguistic landscaping: Constructing a linguistically dominant place in a bilingual space. International Journal of Bilingualism, 18, 507-523.

Hult, F.M. (2014). How does policy influence language in education? In R.E. Silver & S.M. Lwin (Eds.), Language in education: Social implications (pp. 159-175).  London: Continuum.

Hult, F.M.  (2013). Ecology and multilingual education. In C. Chapelle (Gen. Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (Vol. 3, pp. 1835-1840).  Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hult, F.M. & Compton, S.E. (2012). Deaf education policy as language policy: A comparative analysis of Sweden and the United States. Sign Language Studies, 12, 602-620.

Hult, F.M. (2010). Swedish Television as a mechanism for language planning and policy. Language Problems and Language Planning, 34(2), 158-181.

Hult, F.M. (2010). Analysis of language policy discourses across the scales of space and time. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 202, 7-24.

Hult, F.M. (2009). Language ecology and linguistic landscape analysis. In E. Shohamy & D. Gorter (Eds.), Linguistic landscape: Expanding the scenery (pp. 88-104). London: Routledge.

Hornberger, N.H., & Hult, F.M. (2008). Ecological language education policy. In B. Spolsky & F.M. Hult (Eds.), Handbook of educational linguistics (pp. 280-296). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Hult, F.M. (2004). Planning for multilingualism and minority language rights in Sweden. Language Policy, 3(2), 181-201.

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