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III International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation
June 27, 2018 - June 29, 2018
III International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation
June 27-29, 2018
University of Alicante, Spain
Webpage: https://dti.ua.es/en/tradeco/iii-icebfit/iii-international-conference-on-economic-business-financial-and-institutional-translation.html
According to The Language Services Market: 2015 (De Palma et al.) demand for language services, including translation, comes not only from Internet users, who require instant access to information in their own language, but also from companies that are attempting to compete and offer their products and services in several languages. The public sector and non-profit organizations also require language services to enable them to communicate effectively beyond their respective territorial boundaries. In this context, economic, commercial, financial and institutional translation plays a major role in the professional translation market and the workload for this type of translation is larger than other types such as literary translation.
Many translator training centers are aware of this reality as well as the need for training in this field. Their programs demonstrate this by including subjects dealing not only with specialized translation, but also with business or institutional translation. However, although trainers and researchers are increasingly studying this type of translation and its relation to terminology, new technologies, teaching, or contrastive analysis, it seems that this research does not currently produce the same volume of publications as, for example, literary translation.
In this scenario, the III International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation, following successful conferences in 2014 (University of Alicante) and 2016 (University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières), seeks both to contribute to this area of research publication and to bring together researchers, teachers, translation practitioners, and specialists to have the opportunity to interact with colleagues and to share their experience and research.
The conference invites interested participants to submit proposals for papers in Spanish, French and English dealing with the following areas in addition to a specialized area (accounting, finance, marketing, logistics, transportation, advertising, sales, insurance, macroeconomics, macrofinance, monetary policy, tourism, corporate governance, management, real estate or corporate website, etc.):
– Terminology problems and translation practice
– Creation of terminology resources
– Genres, text taxonomies and contrastive analysis
– Professional experience
– IT and the use of translation resources
– Translation training
Accepted papers in English, French and Spanish will be initially published at the Institutional Repository of the University of Alicante (https://rua.ua.es/dspace/?locale=en) in book form with ISBN.
A selection of research papers presented during the conference will also be published in the international journal Onomázein (http://onomazein.letras.uc.cl/01_Presentacion/Overview.html), whose papers are indexed in Clase, Dialnet, Doaj, Ebsco, E-revistas, Latindex, MLA, Redalyc, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Knowledge (SSCI, AHCI), and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on any of the topics listed above. Papers should be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system (https://cvnet.cpd.ua.es/uaCuestionarios/preguntas.aspx?idcuestionario=8650&idioma=en). Proposals (abstracts) must be submitted in the language of presentation (200 words). Authors interested in publishing a research paper are invited to submit an abstract (400 words) presenting the research question, goals, theoretical and methodological framework, and preliminary results.
A maximum of two proposals may be submitted for conference sessions, but applicants must be a co-author on at least one of them. Please note that the full paper will be allowed 20 minutes (plus five minutes for discussion).
The following speakers have already confirmed their participation:
– Chris Durban (financial translator)
– Dima El Husseini (Université Française d’Egypte)
– Defeng Li (University of Macau)
– José Mateo (Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas)
– Abstract Submission: October 31, 2017
– Authors Notification: Decembre 15, 2017
– Registration opens: January 9, 2018
– Early bird registration deadline: March 31, 2018
– Registration deadline: May 31, 2018
– Conference: June 27-29, 2018
– Full papers submission: July 6, 2018
– Expected publication date: 2019
Registration opens: January 9, 2018
Before March 31, 2018
– Speakers: 100€
– Co-authors not presenting: 60€
– Attendees: 50€
– UA Students: 30€
After March 31, 2018
– Speakers: 150€
– Co-authors not presenting: 90€
– Attendees: 75€
– UA Students: 30€
The fee includes:
– Attendance to all the sessions of the conference
– Certificate of presentation (for speakers)
– Certificate of attendance (for non-speakers)
– Conference documentation
– Proceedings of the conference (for speakers)
– Coffee break & lunch
*ORGANIZERS. TRADECO (Business and Translation) Research Group*
– Juan Norbert Cubarsí Elfering
– Daniel Gallego Hernández (chair)
– Carlos Martínez Quintanilla
– Antonia Montes Fernández
– David Pérez Blazquez
– María Calzada (Universitat Jaume I)
– Gloria Corpas (Universidad de Málaga)
– Jeanne Dancette (Université de Montréal)
– Danielle Dubroca (Universidad de Salamanca)
– Dima El Husseini (Université Française d’Egypte)
– Pedro Fuertes (Universidad de Valladolid)
– Peter Holzer (Universidad de Innsbruck)
– Frédéric Houbert (Financial Translator)
– Geoffrey Koby (Kent State University)
– Defeng Li (University of Macau)
– Danio Maldussi (Università di Bologna)
– José Mateo (Universidad de Alicante)
– Ana Medina (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla)
– Mariana Orozco (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
– Emilio Ortega (Universidad de Málaga)
– Éric Poirier (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
– Fernando Prieto (Université de Genève)
– Verónica Román (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
– Francisca Suau (Universitat de València)
– Lieve Vangehuchten (Universiteit Antwerpen)
– Christian Vicente (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Daniel Gallego Hernández (daniel.gallego@ua.es)