Ian Richmond, Ph. D.. Professor Emeritus | Emerita Profesoro
Areas of Interest: second language learning, computer-assisted language learning, literary studies
Profile: Dr. Richmond is retired from his position as Professor of French Studies at the Université Sainte-Anne, where he had also served as Vice-President (Academic and Research). His research interests include computer-assisted language learning (CALL), Esperanto as a literary language, and Esperanto and international education.
Selected Publications:
Korzhenkov, Aleksander. The Life of Zamenhof. New York : Mondial, 2010. Translation and notes by Ian M. Richmond. Ed. Humphrey Tonkin. viii + 99 pp.Translation of the Esperanto original.
Richmond, I. (1999). Is Your CALL Connected? Stand-alone vs. Integrated CALL software. In Keith C. Cameron (ed.),. CALL: Media, Design and Applications (Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, PA, Tokyo: Swets and Zeitlinger), pp. 294–314.
Richmond, I. (Guest Ed.) CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning): An International Journal. Vol. 12, No. 4 (1999)
Richmond, I. (Ed.) Expo-enseignement des universités de l’atlantique / Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase: Acts / Actes. Special issue of the Revue de l’Université Sainte-Anne, 1997. Pp. 137 + vi.
Heller, L., & Richmond, I. (Eds.). (1994). La Poétique des "Fables" de La Fontaine. London, Ontario: Mestengo Press, 1994.
Richmond, I. (Ed.). (1993). Aspects of Internationalism: Language and Culture. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993.
Richmond, I. (1999). Is Your CALL Connected? Stand-alone vs. Integrated CALL software. In Keith C. Cameron (ed.),. CALL: Media, Design and Applications (Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, PA, Tokyo: Swets and Zeitlinger), pp. 294–314.
Heller, L., & Richmond, I. (Eds.). (1994). La Poétique des "Fables" de La Fontaine. London, Ontario: Mestengo Press, 1994.
Richmond, I. (Ed.). (1993). Aspects of Internationalism: Language and Culture. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993.
Richmond, I. (1995). The Wait's Over! Or Is It Just Starting? Review of MS Word 6.0 for the Macintosh. TEXT Technology, 5(4): 319–355.
Richmond, I. (1995). Word for Windows 6.0. TEXT Technology, 5(2), 137–154.
Contact | Kontakto
5357 McGuffie Avenue
Powell River, BC
Canada, V8A 3T6
Tel.: 604.483.9673
Okupo: Emerita profesoro de Francaj Studoj en Université Sainte-Anne; eksa vic-prezidanto pri Akademiaj Studoj kaj Esplorado
Interesoj: Lernado de la dua lingvo, komputil-bazita lingvolernado kaj literaturaj studoj. Esplor-interesoj: Esperanto kiel literatura lingvo kaj Esperanto kaj internacia edukado.