Nitobe Symposium 6 (2013)
Topic: Languages and Internationalization in Higher Education: Ideologies, Practices, Alternatives
Dates: July 18-20, 2013 — National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik
Document: English in Nordic Universities: Ideologies and practices (edited by Anna Kristina Hultgren, Frans Gregersen and Jacob ). Department of Applied Linguistics and English Language, The Open University / The Lanchart Centre, University of Copenhagen
ISBN 9789027228369. Published by John Benjamins Publishing Company
This volume brings together theoretical perspectives and empirical studies on the ongoing Englishization of Nordic universities. A core objective is to contrast and address the gap between ideological representations of this phenomenon and the ways in which it unfolds in the practices on the ground. The book provides perspectives from five Nordic countries: Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland, with one chapter from each country focusing on ideologies and another on practices. The book is intended to provide an up-to-date resource on the internationalization and Englishization of Nordic universities for scholars, policy makers and anyone wishing to gain an overview of current issues in the field.
Topic and Structure
The symposium consisted of papers, presentations and panel discussions by experts from across the world, with particular emphasis on the Nordic countries and on languages of instruction in higher education. The topic was linked particularly to the coming publication of the book edited by Anna Kristina Hultgren, Frans Gregersen, and Jacob Thøgersen, English in Nordic Universities: Ideology and Practice, to be published in 2014 in the series Studies in World Language Problems, by the publisher John Benjamins, Amsterdam. The symposium was particularly concerned with the expanding use of English-medium instruction in higher education and the repercussions, positive and negative, of this development. The symposium also examined alternative approaches. Although the starting-point was the Nordic countries, contributions on the language-of-instruction situation in higher education in other parts of the world were welcome.
The Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (Rotterdam, Netherlands) was the principal organizer of the symposium. The Center is sponsor of the journal Language Problems and Language Planning and organizes occasional invited international symposia on aspects of international language use and language policy. These events (known as Nitobe Symposia, after the well-known Japanese diplomat associated with the League of Nations in the 1920s) have been held in Prague (1996), Berlin (1999), Beijing (2004), Vilnius (2005), and Tokyo (2007). The Tokyo symposium was held at Sophia University on the topic “Towards Equitable Language Policy in Asia.”
Auspices and support
The symposium was taking place under the auspices of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies and the Vigdis Finnbogadóttir Institute for Foreign Languages. Financial support was received from the Esperantic Studies Foundation and from John Benjamins Publishing Company.
• Bernharðsson, Haraldur. Árni Magnusson Institute. Haraldr [at]
• Blanke, Detlev. Formerly of Humboldt University, Germany. Detlev [at]
• Blanke, Wera. Germany. Wera [at]
• Dasgupta, Probal. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. Probal.dasgupta [at]
• Du Temple, Wallace. CanadaEarls, Clive. University of Limerick, Ireland. Clive.earls [at]
• Edwards, Jane. Yale University, USA. Jane.edwards [at]
• Eiriksson, Kristján. Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavik. Kriseir [at]
• Fabricius, Anne. Roskilde University, Denmark. Fabri [at]
• Fettes, Mark. Simon Fraser University, Canada. Mtfettes [at]
• Garibova, Jala. Azerbaijan University of Languages. Jgaribova [at]
• Gazzola, Michele. Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany michele [at]
• Greatrex, Geoffrey. University of Ottawa, Canada. Greatrex [at]
• Gregersen, Frans. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Fg [at]
• Haberland, Hartmut. Roskilde University, Denmark. Hartmut [at]
• Hamel, Rainer Enrique. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City. Hamel [at]
• Hu, Adelheid. University of Luxembourg. [at]
• Hultgren, Anna Kristina. Open University, UK. Kristina.hultgren [at]
• Karoulla-Vrikki, Dimitra. European University, Cyprus. d.karoulla [at]
• Kimura, Goro. Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan (corresponding participant). g-kimura [at]
• Kiselman, Christer. Uppsala University, Sweden. Kiselman [at]
• Kristinsson, Ari Páll. Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavik. Aripk [at]
• Kvaran, Guðrún. Icelandic Language Council, Reykjavik. Gkvaran [at]
• Lehtilä, Tatu. Stockholm University, Sweden. Tatulehtila [at]
• Lindstedt, Jouko. University of Helsinki, Finland. Jouko.lindstedt [at]
• Lins, Ulrich. Formerly of DAAD, Germany. U.lins [at]
• Luin, Ulla. Sweden. ulu [at]
• Maradan, Mélanie. University of Geneva, Switzerland. melmaradan [at]
• Ó Giollagáin, Conchur. National University of Ireland, Galway. conchur.ogiollagain [at]
• Pettersson, Olof. Stockholm University. olpe [at]
• Pietiläinen, Jukka. University of Helsinki, Finland. Jukka.pietilainen [at]
• Prytz, Otto. University of Oslo, Norway. otto.prytz [at]
• Reagan, Timothy. Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. Timothy.reagan [at]
• Tonkin, Humphrey. University of Hartford, USA. tonkin [at]
• Tytgat, Kristin. Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Belgium. Kristin.tytgat [at]
• Usui Hiroyuki. El Popola Ĉinio, Beijing, China. usui_hiroyuki [at]
• Van den Kieboom, Walter. European Esperanto Union.
• Vergara, José Antonio. Chile. Joseantonio.vergara [at]
• Vila, F. Xavier. University of Barcelona. fxvila [at]
• Vrikki, Maria. Oxford University, UK
• Walker, Alastair. University of Kiel, Germany. walker [at]
• Witdoeckt, Flory. European Esperanto Union. flory2 [at]
Background Papers
Clive W. Earls: “Setting the Catherine Wheel in Motion: An exploration of ‘Englishization’ in the German higher education system.”
Hartmut Haberland and Klaus Schulte: Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache
Rainer Enrique Hamel
“El español en el campo de las ciencias: propuestas para una política del linguaje”.
“Les langues des sciences et de l’enseignement supérieure”.
Posted by Ulrich Lins: DAAD. German as a Language of Science.
Tytgat, Kristin: "Language Policy in Flemish Higher Education in Belgium: English in an Academic Context"
Acadamh na Hollscoliochta Gaeilgenational: Comprehensive Linguistic Study of the Use of Irish in the Gaeltacht: Principal Findings and Recommendations
Probal Dasgupta: Indian discourses and academic internationalization
Posted by Timothy Reagan
State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020
Закон Республики Казахстан от 11 июля 1997 года № 151-I О языках в Республике Казахстан
Christer Kiselman: Language Choice at Uppsala University
Michele Gazzola: The linguistic implications of academic performance indicators
Hartmut Haberland
English in Scandinavian tertiary education: To take arms against a sea of troubles?
La angla en skandinava universitata edukado: Chu sin armi kontrau la tuta maro da mizeroj?
Geoffrey Greatrex: The situation in Canada and the U.K.
Paper and Sessions Summaries
Dimitra Karoulla-Vrikki Karoulla-Vrikki, Dimitra (Cyprus): “English-medium instruction in higher education in Cyprus”
Conchúr Ó Giollagáin: Abstract
Jala Garibova: Languages, Power and Incentives:The Foreign Language Policy of Universities in Azerbaijan
Probal Dasgupta: Barataj diskursoj kaj la universitata internaciigointernaciigo/Indian discourses and academic internationalization
Jane Edwards: Languages and Internationalization in Higher Education: a U.S. Perspective
Usui Hiroyuki: China’s two-fold linguistic policy: English today, Chinese tomorrow?
Kristin Tytgat: More English in Higher Education? New Language Requirements for Staff in Flemish Universities
Alastair Walker: Teaching a minority language and related multilingualism in a globalised world: The case of North Frisian at the University of Kiel, Germany
Jouko Lindstedt: English in Finnish Universities as a Means of Recruiting Teachers and Students
Clive Earls: English-Medium Higher Education in Germany
Jukka Pietiläinen: Languages of scientific publishing in Finnish Universities
Christer Kiselman: Language choice of Uppsala University
Kimura Goro Christoph: The increase of English-medium instruction in Japanese universities
Ulrich Lins: Memorandum of the DAAD
A Brief Bibliography
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