Mark Fettes, Ph.D.: Director | Estrarano



Areas of Interest: Language policy and planning; place-based and ecological education; Aboriginal language revitalization; imagination in teaching and learning; holistic theories of education

Profile: Currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, Dr. Fettes has been active both as an interlingual scholar and as a researcher into the links between imagination, education, community and place. Current projects include the development of a place-based, ecological, imaginative school in Maple Ridge, BC, and research collaborations with school districts and Aboriginal communities in northern BC and Manitoba.


Interesoj: Lingvopolitiko kaj -planado; lok-bazita kaj ekologia edukado; revivigo de indiĝenaj lingvoj; imagipovo en instruado kaj lernado; holismaj teorioj de edukado

Profilo: Nun asista profesoro en la Fakultato pri Edukado en Simon Fraser University, doktoro Fettes estas aktiva kiel interlingva fakulo kaj esploristo de la ligoj inter  imagipovo, edukado, komunumo kaj loko. Liaj nunaj projektoj inkluzivas starigon de lok-bazita ekologia imaga lernejo en Maple Ridge (Brita Kolumbio, Kanado) kaj esplor-kunlaboro kun la lernejaj distriktoj kaj indiĝenaj komunumoj en norda Brita Kolumbio kaj Manitobo.

Selected Publications | Elektitaj Publikaĵoj

Fettes, M. (submitted). Languages in concert: Linguistic plurality on Indigenous land. In Guzmán, M.C. & Gürcağlar, Ş.T. (Eds.) Negotiating Linguistic Plurality: Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Fettes, M. (in preparation). What kinds of schools can nuture Indigenous languages? In Chacaby, M., Key Jr., A., & Martin, I. (Eds.) Implementing the Calls to Action on Language. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Fettes, M. (2019, in press). Language, land, and stewardship: Indigenous imperatives and Canadian policy. In T. Ricento (Ed.) Language Politics and Policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fettes, M. & Karamouzian, M. (2018). Inclusion in education: Challenges for linguistic policy and research. In F.M. Hult, T. Kupisch & M. Siiner (Eds.) Bridging Language Acquisition and Language Policy. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. (lead author)

Fettes, M. (2017). Land and the living roots of language: From rights to reconciliation. Tusaaji: A Translation Review. Vol. 5, No.5. 2016. pp. 1-16.

Fettes, M. (2016). Kosmopolitismo en praktiko: Streboj kaj streĉoj en la Esperanta socibildo [Cosmopolitanism in practice: Strivings and tensions in the Esperanto social imaginary]. In F. Gobbo (Ed.) Lingua, politica, cultura: Serta gratulatoria in honorem Renato Corsetti, 111-124. New York: Mondial.

Fettes, M. (2015). Language in the United Nations post-2015 development agenda: Challenges to language policy and planning. Language Problems and Language Planning 39(2), 298-311.

Fettes, M. (2015). Normative tensions in the self-understanding and cultural practice of a cosmopolitan language community: The case of Esperanto. Cosmopolis 9, 13-18.

Fettes, M. (2013). Imagination and experience: An integrative framework. Democracy and Education 21(1), 1-11.

Fettes, M. (2013). Esperanto. In A. Hu & M. Byram (Eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teac


Contact | Kontakto

Simon Fraser University
Faculty of Education
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6

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